Male: 46, 210 pounds, 5 foot 10 inches. CC: Fatigue, history of sinus infections, enlarged prostate, gastritis, reflux, irritable, chest tightness, low libido, lower back pain, High blood pressure, urinary frequency, hands are hot, face is red. Pulses: RT Cun:…...
Male age 64. History of anger, alcoholism, inflammatory arthritis, shingles, gout, insomnia, gas and bloating, sinus infections, enlarged prostate, frequent urination, dry chronic cough. Hands are hot. He wants to be healthy, Overweight by 50 pounds. Red face. Strong…...
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Pulses: Left Chi is Blocked – Blood Stasis Herbs: Resolve EM 40 Astringents 40 Ba zheng san 40 Ge xie zhu yu tang 40 Tao ren 10 Hong hua 10 E zhu 10 Pulses: Left Chi is convex or wiry,…...
Physiology: The symptoms of BPH are: dribbling after urination, excessive urination at night, frequent urination, sense of incomplete bladder emptying, urge to urinate and leaking, or weak urinary stream. Causes of BPH are not exactly known. A man’s prostate goes…...
Prostate diseases: The most common prostate diseases you will treat with acupuncture are Benign Prostate Hypertrophy and Prostate Cancer. The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that makes the fluid in semen and is positioned where the bladder and urethra meet…....
Two main etiologies: Excess and Deficiency Excess: Damp Heat bearing downward – acute cystitis Pulse: Right Chi is thick and pounding. Could be at any depth Right Cun could be Convex and pounding indicating some kind of infection in…...
Where is the pain? Lower abdomen: Anterior Lateral, Lateral Lateral, Medial Medial Jing Jin: Foot Yang Ming (ST), Foot Shao Yang (GB), Foot Jue Yin (LV) Where to needle? First sequence: Ankles and wrists: ST/LI GB/SJ SP//P…...
Ropey, Wide Pulses Right side only Upper body tightness Herbs Chuan Xuan Cha Tiao San – 25 Flex Spur – 25 Ge Gen Tang – 25 Clear Heat – 25 Both sides with more pounding or hardness Prostate problems in…...