Px presents with right-sided lower back pain at the height of roughly L5-S1. Started needling on the contralateral HT vessel to treat the KD (treats the deeper muscles in the lower back eg erector spinae muscles,quadratus lumborum muscles). Px shows…...
Px complains about confirmed left carotid artery blockage 75-90%, right carotid artery blockage 15% 8 months ago Px signed up for 4 month plan Dx Left Cun was blocked, but firmly blocked (strong pulse force, but no clearly shaped vessel/…...
Px complains about arthritic finger pain at the ulnar side of the distal interphalangeal joint of the RIGHT index finger Bob needles at the fibular side of the distal interphalangeal joint of the LEFT 2nd toe Px says no pain-…...
DNA Live Case Study Upper Back and Neck with an MPD Pulse Diagnosis MPD: Right Cun: Airbone allergy, wind-cold Right Yang Wei: Phlegm in the lungs Right Guan: Too much HCL, nervous stomach Right Chi and Proximal: Upper back and…...
DNA Live Case-Study: Lower Back and Lateral Hip Pain Sx Lower Back Pain, radiating to the greater trochanter Dx Target Vessels: KD and UB vessel, T12-S1, GB Treatment Vessels: HT, SI, SJ, LU are our options, DU for spine pain…...
Continuous Care Case Study – Neurotic Px Initial Visit Sx Weightloss Anxiety Insomnia Systemic inflammation Sweating Sluggishness Dx left cun: scattered, then deep and slippery (nightmares, bi-polar [psychotic], neurotic) Rx Zhu Ru Wen Dan Tang 20 Huang Lian 15 Chi…...
Continuous Care Case Study – Allergies First visit Sx Allergies (esp runny nose) Dx Wind-Heat (wiry, high, thick but weak in the right cun) Rx Sang Er Zi 7 Bai Zhi 7 Fang Feng 7 Gan Cao 2 Huang…...
Continuous Care Case Study – Grumpiness Px & Foot-Neuropathy Px Px Veronica Visit 1 Sx Grumpy Tired Worried Weight loss Dx Liver pulse worst Rx Hu Zhang 15 Huang Shui Qie 15 Xia Ku Cao 15 Long Dan Xie Gan…...
Special: Continuous Care Case Study – Anxiety Px Part 2 & Fatigue Px Herbs & Notes: Continued from last Office episode: Next visit (after 3 months from first visit) Sx cold hands 80% better anxiety 80% better swollen legs 80%…...