How To Treat ADD/ADHD In Children
Weak heart: Gui Pi Tang 50% and Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 50%. If agitated: Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang or Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang. If anxious: He Huang Pi, Bai Zi Ren, Suan Zao Ren,…...
Weak heart: Gui Pi Tang 50% and Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 50%. If agitated: Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang or Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang. If anxious: He Huang Pi, Bai Zi Ren, Suan Zao Ren,…...
Case Study: Blood Stasis F: 57, overweight by 50 pounds Patient complains of fatigue, sob, insomnia, frustration, depression, urinary urgency, muscle pains, diabetes II, anxiety, sinus congestion-snoring, constipation, hypertension Pulses: Right Cun: Deep, Blocked Right Yangwei: Deep, Blocked Right Guan:…...
Male: 46, 210 pounds, 5 foot 10 inches. CC: Fatigue, history of sinus infections, enlarged prostate, gastritis, reflux, irritable, chest tightness, low libido, lower back pain, High blood pressure, urinary frequency, hands are hot, face is red. Pulses: RT Cun:…...
Female, age 53, complains of fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia and low and upper back pain – chronic. Main problem is fatigue, insomnia and emotional issues. Pain is secondary. Patient is slightly overweight. History of anti-anxiety drugs. Seasonal allergies. Hands and…...