Digestive Herbs and MPD
Herbs that regulate stomach Qi – Right Guan is too stiff or hard, wiry, and either too low or too high – symptoms are stomach pain and possibly bloating Mu xiang, Chen pi, Hou po, Sha ren, Zhi shi, Zhi…...
Herbs that regulate stomach Qi – Right Guan is too stiff or hard, wiry, and either too low or too high – symptoms are stomach pain and possibly bloating Mu xiang, Chen pi, Hou po, Sha ren, Zhi shi, Zhi…...
HOW TO USE ASTRINGENTS In general, astringents are anti-inflammatories and they can stop loose stools, heal skin problems, stop sweating, stop urinary incontinence, stop coughing. They shrink swollen tissue. They are sour or astringent in taste. They are used for…...
Wind Cold Deficiency – Right Cun is very thin, wiry, superficial, weak Gui zhi, Bai shao – treats Wind Cold and Qi Deficiency simultaneously, body pains and spontaneous sweating that does not relieve the cold symptoms or expel the Wind…...
Menstrual pain and irregularity due to Blood Stasis and Deficiency Left Chi is Blocked and weakness in other pulses indicating Blood Deficiency Dang gui, Chuan xiong Amenorrhea due to Blood Stasis Left Chi is Blocked and no periods Ze lan,…...